The provost chairs the Provost's Council which meets regularly to discuss issues and determine policy related to academics.
Member Name | Title | Unit |
Leslie Abarr-Cuenca | Director | Academic Success and Retention |
Dr. Joni Adkins | Director | Computer Science and Information Systems |
Dr. Lee Allard | Assistant Vice President | Institutional Research and Effectiveness |
Dr. Rod Barr | Director | Agricultural Sciences |
Dr. Ben Blackford | Director | Business |
Brandy Brady | Director | B.D. Owens Library |
Kevin Cagg | Assistant Vice President | Information Technology |
Hannah Christian | Director | Career Services |
Dr. Rachel Day | Chair | Fine and Performing Arts |
Dr. Robin Gallaher | Chair | Language, Literature and Writing/Provost |
Dr. Jessica Gracey | Chair | Humanities and Social Sciences |
Tammi Grow | Director | Admissions-Operations |
Dr. Greg Haddock | Associate Provost | Graduate and Professional Schools |
Dr. Brian Haile | Chair | Mathematics and Statistics |
Dr. Elise Hepworth | Dean | College of Arts and Sciences |
Dr. Allison Hoffmann | Associate Provost | Enrollment Management and Student Success |
Dr. Jamie Hooyman | Provost | Office of the Provost |
Dr. Tyler Tapps | Associate Provost | Academic Operations and Assessment |
Dr. Terry Long | Director | Health Science and Wellness |
Dr. Shay Malone | Assistant Vice President | Institutional Excellence and Global Engagement |
Charles Mayfield | Director | Scholarships and Financial Assistance |
Thomas Merlot | Director | International Involvement Center |
Dr. Darla Runyon | Director | Learning and Teaching Center |
Brandon Stanley | Assistant Vice President | University Marketing and Communication |
Dr. Jeff Thornsberry | Chair | Natural Sciences |
Terri Vogel | Registrar | Registrar |
Dr. Rob Voss | President | Faculty Senate |
Jeremy Waldeier | Director | Admissions-Recruiting |
Dr. Matt Walker | Director | Communication and Mass Media |
Dr. Tim Wall | Dean | Education |
Amy Washam | Director | Northwest-Kansas City |